10×10 (Reflective) Overview

Activity Summary

This short activity allows students to reflect on what they have learned about a given topic and summarise their knowledge by responding to prompts/questions from the teacher.

Activity Plan


2 min

The teacher explains how the activity will be conducted, presents the topic that will be covered and reminds the students that there are no right or wrong answers. 

Each student should have a piece of paper and a pen/pencil.


20 min

The teacher presents 10 questions/sentences (from here on input), students will have to answer/complete each input in 10 different ways.  The teacher reveals one input at a time, students have about 2 minutes to complete each input. It is important for the teacher to keep a high pace between the inputs: this way students do not get stuck in searching for “perfect” answers.

Consider using the following open-ended questions/sentences, or crafting your own, depending on the context. 

  • In this topic-period I have learned about/This topic period was about… 
  • Within the topic of ____ (insert the topic the students have learned about), I learned that…
  • Something within this topic I found challenging/frustrating was… 
  • What helped me learn this topic was…
  • Something new and unexpected I learned was… 
  • Something that caught my attention while working on this topic was…
  • In my own life, now or in the future, I can use what I learned about… / What I found the most relevant for my own life was… 
  • I have been inspired/motivated by…  
  • Knowing what I know now about the topic, I have the following questions… 
  • I will further investigate these questions by…


2 min

After all inputs are completed, students review their responses (highlighting the most relevant ones).


5 min

(OPTIONAL) Divided into pairs, students can discuss the main themes / critical points / difficulties they found.

Tips & Tricks

As the facilitator of this activity, the teacher keeps the time. Make sure to let the students know when half of their time has passed, when they should finish their sentence, etc. Be consistent and sharp with the time.

Additional Resources

Inspired by following exercise: https://medium.com/the-liberators/improving-the-sprint-review-with-liberating-structures-variant-2-35eb011abc60