Activity Summary

The teacher writes a word, term, phrase, quote etc.  in the centre of the circle on the board. Students then connect their associations to the given term. Associative learning is the process of connecting or associating two or more things together in order to understand them better.

Activity Plan


1 min

Teacher writes a word, term, phrase, quote etc. in the middle of the board.


5 mins

Students can then write down their associations to the given term and share them with the teacher who writes them on the board. Or in order to increase the physical activity of students, it is possible for each student to go in front of the blackboard and write down an association.


5 mins

The teacher facilitates a discussion on the associations with the students and announces the topic of the lesson.

Tips & Tricks

  • The activity can, also, be carried out using a digital tool. For example, Mentimeter or Padlet.