Check-in / Check-out

Activity Summary

This activity is an opportunity for the teacher and students to reflect on a question and share with the class. It is an excellent activity to open / close a class.

Activity Plan


Prior to class

The teacher chooses a question/input for the check-in/out activity: the choice may be different depending on the context, the purpose of the lesson, the time available, the class size…

The teacher should make the question/input considering the following aspects:

  • How much time do you have for check-in/out? Does the question invite each student to tell a 3-5 minute story, one or two words or one or two sentences?
  • How can the check-in / out connect with and support the rest of the agenda and the overall purpose of the meeting?
  • What kind of mood do you want to create? Playful? Serious? Reflective?


2 min

The teacher explains how the activity will take place and lets the students form a circle/ U-shape. Once students have set up, the lecturer asks the question/input for the check-in/out activity.


15 – 20 min

One-by-one students check-in / out, either in order around the circle or at random. Once every student has checked-in 7 out one time, the activity is over.

Tips & Tricks

  • This short activity engages and energises students, pointing out the context and mood of the lesson / learning process.
  • Time management is essential for effective classroom management; the teacher can introduce different constraints in the check-in/out input depending on the time he/she intends to spend on the activity. For example:
    • “In one word…”
    • “In two words…”
    • “In one sentence…”
    • “Think of three things…”
    • “Taking as much time as you need…”
  • Examples of check-in / out questions:
    • What’s one thing I hope to get accomplished in today’s class?
    • Share a word or two on the intention you hold for today’s class to be a success.
    • What will you contribute to make our session a success?
    • What value/guiding principle do you bring to the table with you today?
    • What are you willing to set aside in order to be fully present with this conversation?
  • General
    • What do I need to share to be present in this class?
    • How do I feel right now related to this class?
    • What am I excited or worried about related to today’s class?
  • During a project / workshop / activity
    • How do I feel working in this class?
    • What metaphor would I use to describe how I feel in this class?
    • What’s making me heavy and what’s making me lighter right now in this class?
    • What’s happened since we last met?
  • When a class knows each other well, or simply when the mood fits, the teacher can introduce play/fun into your questions
    • What animal/sound/movement represents my mood today?
    • What song / movie / story represents my mood today?
    • What is my superhero power pose?
    • What temperature am I today and a few words on why.
    • What’s one thing that brings me energy and joy?
    • What is a recent success you’ve experienced?
  • End of a project/learning journey
    • What’s my biggest learning or insight from today?
    • What do I choose to do differently next time?
    • What has been my highest high and lowest low from this project/workshop/session?
    • What’s my #1 takeaway from today?

Additional Resources

If you are curious to learn more about the power of check-ins, see: