
Activity Summary

Students are instructed to transform as many blank circles as possible into different objects e.g. footballs, clock faces etc. This is a short creativity warm-up exercise; its purpose is to encourage ‘outside the box’ thinking and to help students get into a creative mindset.

Activity Plan


2 min

Each student should have a piece of paper (A4) and a pen/pencil, on which they are asked to draw 20 blank circles (see Tips & Tricks section).


3 min

Students are instructed to transform as many circles as possible into different objects e.g. footballs, clock faces etc. (can be helpful to put a timer on so students feel a sense of urgency).


3-5 min

Students show their work off in groups and discuss the following questions:

  • How was that? Challenging? Easy?
  • Did you transform all 20 circles?
  • Did anyone draw outside of the circles?
  • Who connected circles? (es. You could have made a bike or glasses!)


5-10 min


One student from each group has 2 minutes to share their work with the class. The teacher can start a reflection on the purpose of the activity (e.g., activate creative thinking).

Tips & Tricks

  • Example of circles students should draw on A4 sheet
  • This activity can be used as a ‘hook’ at the beginning of a lesson or as creative break during a lesson if students are becoming disengaged or tired (warm-up & attention-grabbing exercise).