Activity Summary

Teacher will put an exit question based on the  topic covered on the board. Students have 2 minutes to write their answer. They will then stick their post it answer in the  designated area when exiting the classroom at the end of the lesson. The students use their knowledge covered so far on the topic in order to answer the question. They might need to rely on multiple lessons depending on the complexity of the question.

This method can be used to develop a reflection practice or as a learning log for the students.

Activity Plan


1 min

All students will get a post it note.


1 min

Teacher writes the exit question on the board for students to read.


2 min

Students will read the question and answer their question on the post-it they  have been given.


1 min

Students will stick their answer on the designated spot in the room by the  classroom door to reduce time for students to exit the room.

Tips & Tricks

  • If used regularly, students can be asked to have a stack of post-its bought. This will reduce time wasted handing out post-its.
  • Otherwise to reduce time you can have a designed team who will know to pass out the post-its while the teacher is writing the questions.