Stimulus Video

Activity Summary

Teacher will pick a video for the students to watch. The teacher must prepare 3 lower-order thinking skills questions to keep them engaged with the video. They also will be using the content of the video to answer the question of ‘What topic are we doing?’ No other context is given.

Students will identify all relevant factors and then use collaboration skills to work together to identify the topic being started.

Activity Plan


2 mins

Introduce the activity to students. Give them their concentration / lower-order thinking skills questions to keep them focused on the video, and their creative question – ‘What are we going to be approaching next?’


Depending on material

Let the video play, time will vary.


5 mins

Students will work together to put all their information together to identify the topics.


5 mins

Teacher will correct the concentration questions and then outline the topic. They will discuss students’ opinions and rectify any misconceptions prior to starting if needed.

Tips & Tricks

  • Try to keep the video to 2mins or less to maintain concentration. Multiple short videos work better than one long one.