Transparent Revision of Project Work

Activity Summary

The activity allows the entire class, divided into groups, to be actively involved in the revision process of group work, while engaging students in a process of reflection and self-assessment on their own project work. This reflective activity is useful for optimizing the revision time of student work, and activating at the same time shared revision dynamics.

Activity Plan


5 min

Ask students to arrange tables and chairs so that they can work in groups, then to take their places according to the group division used for the activity/project.

Explain to the students the objective of the activity (share the intended learning outcomes) and its dynamics.


15 min

Choose randomly (or following your “hunch”) the work of two to three groups.

Proofread the work in front of the class using, as much as possible, material in digital format to encourage sharing (e.g., using the projector or smart boards if available).

At the conclusion of each review, underline and write on the board/on a digital document (so that they remain clearly visible to the class) 2-3 strengths and 2-3 weaknesses for each work.


10 min

At the end of the teacher’s reviews, with the issues highlighted by the teacher well in hand, the groups reflect (engaging in a self-assessment process): does our project present the strengths/weaknesses reported by the teacher to the evaluated groups?

Starting with the teacher’s review, each group then indicates the strengths and weaknesses of their work (the teacher can use these comments to support the final evaluation).

Instead, the groups under review work on possible solutions to the weaknesses and/or enhancement of the strengths.

Tips & Tricks

  • The activity can be conducted in synchronous and asynchronous scenarios, both in-presence and online (through the use of breakout rooms to divide students into groups).