Make an Immersive Experience
Activity Summary
Working in groups, the students design and develop an immersive experience for their classmates to help them understand and explore a particular concept, topic or idea.
Activity Plan
15 min
Explain the concept and method of “Experience design (the 5 E’s)” (see Additional Resources section below).
Give the students some examples of experience design.
2 min
Divide the class into groups of approximately 5 people.
30 min
The students have 30 minutes to design the experience. The experiences can last a maximum of 5 minutes each. While they are preparing, walk around and support them in their designs if it is needed.
Approximately 15 min
Each group has 2 minutes to set up the classroom for the experience, while the rest of the class is out of the classroom waiting. As a teacher you can support the groups in setting up.
Approximately 30 min
Each group takes the class through the experience. By the end of each experience, make a short collective wrap-up of what they learned, remember and will take away from the experience.
15 min
After all groups have made their experience, wrap up by summarising the topics they went through in the experiences. Ask into the student’s key takeaways.
Tips & Tricks
- In this activity, a group of students prepares an immersive activity to be proposed to the rest of the class. Each group is free to choose a study topic that they feel is particularly important or the teacher can give them a concept/ idea to explore.
- By doing so, the topic will be more easily memorised both by the group of students who are engaged in facilitating the activity and by the rest of the class who are involved in an immersive activity.
- This exercise might be challenging, but it is very rewarding because it allows students to be co-creators of the learning experience.
- Create a safe learning container, where imperfection and failures are allowed, so they can explore their creative expression and communication more freely. Consider doing a creative warm up energizer before this activity, to allow them into a less perfectionist mindset before doing this activity.
- Suggested location to do this activity is in the classroom, but if you have the possibility of doing it outside or in a place with even more space, that is great!
- If needed and supportive to you, consider showing visual/ video examples of experience design – or perhaps a video of an experienced designer explaining the method and concept.
Additional Resources
Experience design (the 5 E’s):
Support the understanding of the model, by elaborating, that the students should consider what feelings and thoughts their classmates should feel at the different 5 phases of the experience.

Give each of the groups a specific theme/subject/ topic within the topic taught, that they have to design an immersive experience for their classmates about.
The activity is inspired from the 5 E Model from Kaospilots’ Experience Design methodology. Learn more:
Learn more about Experience Design from Andy Sontag from the Kaospilot Experience Design Professional Program here: