
Activity Summary

This is a creative energizer in which the students will allow themselves to look silly as they in smaller groups have to transform their bodies into a monster – the uglier the better. This energizer is for when you need to raise energy in the classroom and want them to practise working collaboratively from another mindset and daring to look stupid (which is crucial to wellbeing and creativity) and non-perfect.

Activity Plan


2 mins

The challenge is: make the most monstrous monster in groups of 4-5, using only your bodies and voices.

Divide the students into groups. Note: tell the students that they can do this in several ways – everything from carrying each other, to not touching each other at all.


3 mins

The groups have approximately 3 minutes in the groups to “build” their monster. They should also give their monster the weirdest and most monstrous sound for as possible.


3 mins

When the time is up, take a round where all the groups show their monster with their monster sound to the rest of the group.


5 mins

Bonus: consider asking into, what makes a monster, the best “worst” monster – take the students input from this and elaborate on, how some of these qualities they use when building their monsters, are actually some of the same they can consider, when they are working on a creative project – e.g. not being afraid of looking stupid, having fun with it, experimenting, listening to everyone’s input when making the monster, just trying something out, building on top of each others ideas (see the Yes AND activity).

Tips & Tricks

  • Emphasise: the more silly, ugly, weird the better! Try to allow the students to really be crazy.
  • Consider as a teacher whether you also want to share your monster – either by yourself or in a group – to be a role model in this and make the students feel more safe with you, and bring some of the pressure to perform in front of you down.
  • Be aware that some students might not feel comfortable with physical touch, so emphasise they can be creative with how they make their monster, which might include not touching.